Surgery for back pain relief is less common now than it used to be. However, it remains the last resort treatment option for difficult cases. This means that the patient’s condition is not improving or continues to worsen. In such cases their pain is not well controlled by prescription medications. Surgical correction is most likely if you have a structural defect, like spinal stenosis or a herniated disc. Typical risks of surgery include infection, bleeding, blood clots, heart attack, and stroke. Due to its proximity to the spinal cord, back surgery also carries a risk of mild to severe nerve damage. Damage to the spinal cords can result in the following:
Herniated Disc
Sexual Dysfunction
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Young, healthy patients can expect a recovery period of as little as 4 – 6 weeks. Unfortunately, for most patients full recovery often takes several months. Illness, lifestyle, general health, infection, and a variety of other factors can complicate the recovery process. Spine surgery is also incredibly painful. Most spinal surgery patients will receive a prescription for pain medications. This increases their risk of dependency and addiction.
Author: Epic Healthcare and Physical Medicine at: